让我们一起修理Lets Repair It Together!
让我们一起修理Lts Rpair It Togthr!
Lt's Rpair It Togthr!
It was Monday. I got up vry arly and was th first to com to th classroom. Whn I cam to my dsk and was going to sit down, I found my chair was brokn. What could I do? At that
tim no on was around.I quickly changd my chair with Li Ming's and sat down to rad th book as if nothing had happnd.
My classmats cam in on aftr anothr. Aftr a whil, Li Ming cam. Whn h found his chair was brokn, h trid to rpair it. I didn't say a word but my fac turnd rd. Soon I ran to th tachr's offic and brought back a hammr. I said to I.i Ming, "Lt's rpair it togthr."
让我们一起修理Lets Repair It Together! 相关文章
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