The colours of “Miracle”
Th colours of MiraclMany popl think that miracl is somthing that sldom happns; its somthing that ordinary popl cant achiv. Thy admir Michal Jordan, th gratst basktball playr in th world by now; or Armstrong, th six-tim champion of th Tour d Franc who succssfully ovrcoms th trribl cancr. Ys, thir carrs ar rally incrdibl! But hav you vr notic that thy liv simpl lif lik us; thy work hard vry day lik us; thy fac failurs and victoris lik us; thy cry, laugh lik us? Th only diffrnt thing is that thy show th rsults of fforts in public. W vry action man in th world is just th sam ssntially. Onc you liv your lif to th fullst, you hav shown your own prsonality , thn your xtraordinary to othrs.ach scond w liv is a nw and uniqu momnt of th univrs, a momnt thatll nvr b again. So, what should w say to ourslvs? W should say: Do you know what your? Your a miracl. Your uniqu. In all th yars that hav passd, thr has nvr bn anothr on lik you. You lgs, your arms, your clvr fingrs, th way you mov. Wll, hurry up, my frinds, from now on try to b th bst you could b!M=Mastrvry man is th architct of his own fortun. On your way to a brilliant lif, you first nd to larn somthing nw constantly. For us, studnts, trying to gt on wll with all th subjcts is quit ralistic. Somtims w gt confusd, bcaus th school lif dscribd in som novls, articls is comparably diffrnt, which is xciting, full of as. But aftr all, its partially imaginary. W complain that chmistry formulas, physical phnomna, and lists of nglish words ar dull. W xclaim in our innrmost that w want to liv th lif w lov. But still, vrything rmains th sam. Why dont you think about th problm with anothr attitud. Th provrb Nvr to old to larn is known to most popl. As comptition in th socity is gtting fircr and fircr, w cant stand firm, find a job, mt th principal nds of our family without abundant knowldg. Mayb w sacrific our most bautiful yars to lock ourslvs in a room filld with books. But som day youll hav your bright futur thanks to such hardships. If you rlat vry suffring to your prospct, youll probably find yourslf full of strngth. 共15页,当前第12页123456789101112131415 No pains, no gains. Mastr vry lsson you can larn in front. Mastr morals w should rmmbr in diffrnt situations. Mastr your mind so that you could b calm and rasonabl whn sttling any coming obstruction.I=IndpndncDay aftr day, wr gradually building a world of our own th momnt wr born, from th first call Mum to th first stp you mad by yourslf. Indpndnc is of importanc, bcaus our frinds, parnts, tachrs cant hlp us all th tim. Usually, tnagrs hav a strong fling of asking for indpndnc in a crtain priod of tim, during which w want to b uniqu. W rsist to accpt othrs hlp and car. W ar agr to protst against all th traditional rstrictions. In a word, w wish to fly with our wings that arnt plump at all. Aftr svral yars, whn I rcall th xprinc, I find myslf ignorant. Its only an impuls, but cant b calld indpndnc. Indpndnc, not only mans th walth of matrials, but also mans th rlianc on yourslf in spirit. In daily lif, w think in our own way, w sttl difficultis with our own mthods, and improv thm if ncssary. In my opinion, indpndnc is a matur lif-systm that can hlp us liv as asy and nic as w can.R=Rlaxationvn though th world is similar vry hour, vry day. vn though th burdn on our shouldrs is hard to stand, wd bttr b good to ourslvs. Undr th dark prssur, wr asy to assum th worst. Somtims th world appars gry, indiffrnt and vn vil in our blu ys. Howvr, its not narly that bad. In fact, wr asy to gt satisfid. Hardships nvr rambl anywhr. Happinss coms through th door you didnt know you lft opn. What w nd ar quit simpl. W lik a gntl brz, which blows slightly, gtting our hairs to float in th air. W lik clar stars, blinking thir ys against th vlvt darkblu curtain, tlling us an ancint lgnd.W lik th stting sun hiddn bhind masss of scarlt clouds, crating th last bauty of a daySo dont b pssimistic whn your sad or tird, rais your had, and tak a look at th babyblu sky. Its so wid as if can put up with vrything. Sky is also lik a man, if w compar various wathr to diffrnt moods. Sunny days ar smils, rainy or windy days may b sadnss. But th sky nvr frowns, on th contrary, h stays calm, ltting th unhappy things passing and th plasant momnts kpt in mind. Sky is broad-mindd, bcaus sorrow nvr lasts forvr, and no lif livs for dprssion.As abov, whn w rst proprly, w can also larn somthing that isnt writtn on papr. Widn your hart, and adjust your mood, thn youll find vry day is frsh.A--AbandonLif is lik a roundabout rivr. Thrs no doubt that w must mak som unwilling choics. At th crossing road of lif, w should larn to abandon. Sinc vry littl choic can chang your orbit, w should b conscious nough to know what w want, not only what w hav in hand. A wis man is always crating his opportunity rathr than wait for it. Dciding which road to go is th momnt ithr making a lap forward, or lading you into an ndlss marsh. Somtims w must giv up our intrst to pick up somthing w dont rally lik; or w must abandon an asy road to join in wrtchd suffrings. But nvr los your hart. Whatvr you choos, no mattr how nic or hard it is, th things you larn aftr th dcision ar somthing youll nvr larn on any othr road.C=CouragLif is a challng, mt it. Lif is a promis, fulfill it. Lif is a sorrow, ovrcom it. Lif is a struggl, accpt it. Somtims w fl that obligations ar lik burdn, so havy on our back.; prssur is lik th ovrcast sky, hanging ovr had; dath and loss ar lik a dark cav, and w go dpr and dpr, hard to brath. But on th othr hand, only whn wr cornrd can w b th strongst man wv nvr bn bfor.Courag isnt an impuls, motivating us to achiv things othrs dars not to do. That may lad you to b a criminal, a thif, or a prson who b addictd to drugs.Thrs a story. Onc a monk arrangd a boxing match btwn a child and an xprincd boxr. ach tim th fightr stuck th boy, h fll down, but at onc th boy stood up. What asham, th boys fathr said. I nvr thought h could b so asily knockd down.. But th monk said: Im sorry thats all you s. Dont you s that ach tim h falls down, h stand up again instad of crying? Thats th kind of courag you want him to hav.Courag is a strngth that you can rfrsh vn aftr a grat dfat. Courag is a powr that though gtting hurt, but you still stand up to run. Courag is a spirit you fac vrything vn thought knowing its hard to ovrcom.If ach tim your knockd down, you hav th courag to stand up again, thn you can b proud of yourslf.L=LovI find a comparison of lif to th warm sunshin quit propr. Th sun scattrs sunlight, making it vrywhr. Lov is hr vrywhr. It grows whn spring coms, dvlops whn summr arrivs, bcom rip whn falln lavs float in th cool winds, and turns into flicking flam whn cold wintr approachs.vryon nds lov, and vryon is wroth loving. Lov lis in a hot glass of milk mothr put on your dsk. Lov lis bhind a common Happy birthday or a sincr blssing. Lov coms out of a simpl smil.Thrr many popl w car and car us. Th fast way to los lov is to hold on it tight, and th bst way to kp lov is to giv it wings.Lov is giving. Lov is living. Lov is taking somons load. Lov hlps thm along th road. Lov is caring. Lov is sharing. Lov will sk th bst for othrs. Lov trats vryon lik brothr.=nding..nding.. In fact, thrs no nding of mastring, indpndnc, abandoning, courag, and lov. Miracl coms aftr th complt xprincs of lif. Wr uniqu. Wr th on and th only in th world. In th nd:共15页,当前第13页123456789101112131415I wish you nough sun th kp your attitud bright. I wish you nough rain to apprciat th sun mor. I wish you nough happinss to kp your spirit aliv. I wish you nough pain so that th smallst joy in lif appars much biggr. I wish you nough loss to apprciat all that you possss. I wish you nough hllos to gt you through th final goodby.Somtims struggls ar xactly what w nd in our lif. If God allows us to go through our lif without any obstacl, it would crippld us. W wouldnt b as strong as w could b. And w could nvr fly.Lif is lif, tast it. Hav a good day, hav a marvlous lif, struggl a littl if you nd to.Th fly!