节日出行(Holidays and Outings)
it is common in nglish to ask popl about thir holidays. in th wst many familis go away on holiday during th summr months and so it is vry usual to ask about this. if th holiday has not yt takn plac, thn thir holiday plans can b talkd about. and if it is alrady ovr, thn whr thy wnt, whthr thy njoyd it and so on can b discussd. similar qustions ar askd bfor fstivals and pubic holidays.forignrs living and working in china oftn hav frqunt opportunitis for travl, ithr at wknds or during thir holiday priods, so qustions on this topic can oftn lad to fruitful discussions. thy may b particularly intrstd to har commnts on which placs ar worth visiting and why, spcially if ths placs ar a littl lss wll known and not clarly dscribd in th tour guids.tak vacaticn and long wknds. nvr lt vacation tim xpir.