字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 To Learn English Well By Speaking More

To Learn English Well By Speaking More

高中生作文   2025-02-04

Many Chins studnts who hav larnd nglish for mor than tn yars ar still unabl to spak nglish fluntly whn thy mt a forignr. Thy sm to hav mastrd th basic languag structur, but a convrsation in nglish will mak thm fl unasy. Thy ar afraid that othr popl might find out thir mistaks. It is not uncommon that many studnts, who ar bad spakrs of nglish, can writ nglish prfctly. This provs that thy ar not abl to organiz thir idas in nglish. Th cntr of th problm is that thy lack practic and confidnc. Why should you b afraid? Do you far thos forignrs with whom you ar spaking? Don't b shy, thy will not laugh at you just for a small mistak you hav mad. Th bst way to gt rid of this troubl is to larn to spak by spaking mor. I am sur that constant practic will hlp you to succd.

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