字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 住房问题(Housing Problem)

住房问题(Housing Problem)

高中生作文   2025-01-29

with th incras of china's population, housing problms ar bcoming mor and mor apparnt. many popl complain that thir houss ar too small to liv in, and w can s in som pool familis, six or svn family mmbrs liv in on room. thrfor, th living conditions can't mt thir-nds.thr ar many difficultis in solving housing problms. first, it's impossibl to put all th spac into building houss. scondly, th population of china incrass yar by yar and with th improvmnt of our living standard, w nd mor room to rlax ourslvs in.various solutions hav bn put forwvard. i think th most important and fficint way is to control th population. also, w can build mor high buildings to provid mor living spac. i bliv th housing problms will b solvd.

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