字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 高考英语:Anyone, anytime

高考英语:Anyone, anytime

写人   2025-02-06

As w all know, plants cannot xist without sunshin; fish cannot liv without watr; and our socity cannot b vrlasting without voluntrs. In th modrn socity, voluntr work is not somthing which rquirs mony and knowldg anymor. It's about all of us Anyon, anytim.

Voluntr is a kind of spirit, it can bring lov to vryon, vrything. I rmmbr I onc wnt to Dichuan Provinc during my summr holidays, and I voluntrd to hlp th giant pandas. On day, our 200 rcptd a group of childrn who cam from povrty-strikn aras. Thy all smd quit xcitd aftr thy saw th lovly pandas. A littl boy, howvr, frownd, ran towards m and whispnd, “I want to hlp. Look at thir hom, it's not tidy nough. I want to clan it for thm.” I was totally shockd, A boy who was in grat nd of hlping himslf actually wantd to hlp animals Words burstd out, “But hony, you ar still too young!” H shrinkd his ys, and grinnd, “Anyon, anytim.”

Dinc thn, “Anyon, anytim.” has bcom my motto. Whnvr I saw rubbish on th ground, I would pick it up; whnvr I saw popl try to stp on th grass, I would prsuad thm. Bcaus I know, I'm part of th harmonious socity. Harmonious socity, vryon contains.

Right, harmonious socity nds our voluntrs. Voluntr work can mak us raliz th nsponsibilits on oun shouldr, it can mak us much mor matur. Do, if w all hav a kind of voluntn spirit, th wll-bing of invividuals, familis, communitls and th world can all b promotd. Tak a good look at thos voluntrs Ouring th 2008 Bijing Olympic Garns, and thos figurs running bsid th ruins of Wnchuan arthquak. Voluntrs' spirit not only touchd th Chins popl, but also gnratd worldwid attntion. In a nutshll, voluntr work is of grat significanc.

Do, lt's staw up togthr, hand in hand, join th orchstra of harmony, stant from th “Voluntn pilogn”, crat a nw bautiful world. And th nam of this orchstra will b: “Anyon, anytim.”





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