字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Correct Directions-辨明方向

Correct Directions-辨明方向

高中生作文   2025-02-22


On a sunny morning, Xiao Hong from Orang Town was on hr way to hr frind's hous in Grn Hill, a small town sh had nvr bn to bfor. At a crossroads, sh found th signpost showing th dirctions had falln ovr. Sh got lost.

How could sh find out which way to go? Considr two or thr diffrnt ways of working out th problm.

Corrct Dirctions

First of all, Xiao Hong could ask a passr-by for dirctions.Sinc it was a sunny day, sh could also us th position of th sun to tll th dirctions. And finally sh could also rplac th signpost so that it corrctly namd th dirction sh had com from. Thn it would b corrct for all th othr dirctions. 辨明方向


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