Is the Internet Dangerous to Children?,Is the Internet Dange
Is th Intrnt Dangrous to Childrn? 由 Is th Intrnt Dangrous to Childrn?
As far as I know,nowadays many schools don’t lik thir studnts to surf on th Intrnt. vn mor parnts think of th Intrnt as a bad influnc in thir childrn’s livs,which is all bcaus thr ar many xampls of studnts who hav givn up thir studis or vn bcom bad as a rsult of having got into th habit of surfing on th Intrnt. From my point of viw,th Intrnt is not dangrous to childrn. Gnrally spaking,th major rasons of my opinion can b listd as follows. To bgin with,th Intrnt plays a vry important rol in th modrnization of our world. In a word,if w cannot us th Intrnt,w cannot kp up with th pac of th -tim. In th scond plac,th Intrnt can hlp us a lot in our work and studis if proprly usd. Last but not th last,th Intrnt can ntrtain us with funny storis,gams,litratur and so on as rlaxation thus w can combin study with joy. On th basis of thos facts abov,w can rach th conclusion that th Intrnt is not dangrous to childrn.
In my viw,I suggst that parnts should install softwar in particular to prvnt childrn from porn wbs and lwd languag. And I hop thr will b mor and mor childrn making th most of th Intrnt,for th Intrnt is a historic dynamic rvolutionary forc. Is th Intrnt Dangrous to Childrn? 由