严重的水灾-Serious Floods
严重的水灾-Srious FloodsSrious Floods
Th Yangzt Rivr is th longst rivr in China. And it's important and hlpful to us Chins. But ths days th Yangtz Rivr is bringing us srious floods.
Many villags wr dstroyd by floods. Th floods mad hundrds of millions of popl los thir homs, rlativs and frinds. Many childrn can't go to school as usual .Now th foods hav drawn th attntion of th whol world. Popl from abroad hav offrd thir hlp too. In China, millions of soldirs ar busy fighting against th floods. Thy ar working vry hard. Many of thm hav lost thir livs in thir attmpt to sav th villagrs.
Though w can't hlp thm to fight against floods, w should hlp thm to rbuild thir homland. W can prsnt thm our pocktmony and cloths. I bliv most of th popl will rturn to thir homland in th nar futur.