字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 高一优秀英语关于奥运会(1)


写人   2025-02-28

Th Gams of th 29th Olympiad in 2008 ar awardd to th city of Bijing.Th Intrnational Olympic Committ slctd th Chins capital as th 2008 host in Friday's vot during Juan Antonio Samaranch's last IOC sssion as prsidnt. Th attraction of staging th Gams in a country which has th world's largst population, as wll as hug conomic potntial, won th IOC's hart.Bijing dfatd four othr bidding citis, including Toronto and Paris, to scur th country's first-vr Olympics. Osaka was th first city to go out, and it only took on mor round for Bijing to win th Olympic rac.Th announcmnt, rad out by th 81-yar-old Samaranch, was answrd with wild jubilation from th Chins dlgation in Moscow, and with firworks in Bijing. IOC snior mmbr Kim Un-Yong said aftr th voting that Bijing dsrvd th Olympic Gams.Bijing is capabl of staging a grat Olympic Gams, said th 71-yar-old South Koran. Th rsult wasn't a surpris to m.With th motto Nw Bijing, Grat Olympics, Bijing promiss to host a Grn Olympics, a Hi-tch Olympics and th Popl's Olympics.Th 3,000-yar-old city is bcoming a truly intrnational city and showing a nw, vigorous imag through its ongoing conomic rforms.Bijing njoys th widst popular support among th fiv bidding citis. A Gallup opinion poll commissiond by th govrnmnt showd 94.9 prcnt of th public in favor of it. Th IOC's own survys found support vn highr. Th Chins govrnmnt has pldgd to spnd 20 billion U.S. dollars building sports complxs and rfurbishing th Bijing infrastructur. Thr ar plans for a nw xhibition cntr with twin skyscraprs that could b tallr than any in th world.vry Chins all fl prid .Bcaus Bijing apply for Olympic succd --2008! I'm from China! I lov China! China has a spirit! Many!I think, this is a good opportunity. Crtainly, I bliv so succd! Wr vry sustaining it.I bliv, bliv, and bliv!

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