字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 A Snowy Winter Morning

A Snowy Winter Morning

写人   2025-03-13

Th wind gntly murmurd,puffd and somtims sighd lik a summr brz lifting th lavs along th livlong night.Th cat was curling up quit in hr bd.Th mous was slping carfr in his gallry.Th dog was lying swwt on th sofa.vn th arth itslf was slping in tranquility,xpt that som hous door faintly crakd upon its hing,tlling us a rmot inward warmth.Natur was at hr midnight work with fathry flaks whirling down in th wind,as if sh was showring hr silvry sds ovr th filds.

Finally I wok up.Th floor crakd undr my ft as I movd towards th window.Th snow as warm as cotton was lying calmly upon th window sill and th stillnss of th morning was xtrmly imprssiv.

Th roofs wr standing undr thir snow caps,whil th avs wr waring thir glittring ornamnts.Th trs raisd whit arms to th sky on vry sid,and whr thr was a wall,thr wr som fantastic forms of snow strtching xhilaratd in th dim landscap,as if Natur had carvd hr frsh dsighs by night as modls for mans art.

Silntly,I opnd th door and stppd outsid to fac th cutting air.Th moon had alrady lost som of its glow and th land was bathd in a dull mist.A lurid light in th ast proclaimd th approach of day whil th watrn landscap was blak with som spooky stillnss lik a wizard kingdom.What you could only har was th crpy sounds,smingly out of th hll----th barking of dogs,th hammring of blacksmith,th lowing of cows and th crying of pigs undr th butchrs knif.

Gradually,th lurid light darknd and sprad across th wst.vry flowr,vry tr and

vry wd wr bathd in th sunshin.Suddnly,it turnd out that all th sounds wr not for any mlancholy thy suggstd,but for thir twilight bustl which was too solmn and mystrious for m.

I movd om,trading briskly along th road,th dry and crispd snow crunching undr my ft.

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