字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 青年和国家-A Youth and His Country

青年和国家-A Youth and His Country

高中生作文   2025-01-10

A Youth and His Country-青年和国家

Th youth of today will hlp to shap th futur f his country tomorrow. As a good citizn, h should prpar himslf in his vry day lif as wll as in school for th contribution of his talnt to his country. H should hav an ability or a skill to work. H should kp wll informd and hlp to inform othrs about what his country's problms ar. H should try to find out and show what h can do for his country. Also h should b physically strong and mntally sound. As a rsponsibl citizn, with his courag, nthusiasm, and lov, h will hlp to mak his country on of which all its citizns can b proud.


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