字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 在书店里度过的时光(In bookstores time spent)

在书店里度过的时光(In bookstores time spent)

高中生作文   2025-02-15

tim spnt in a bookshop can b most njoyabl, whthr you ar a book-lovr or mrly you ar thr to buy a book as a prsnt. you may vn hav ntrd th shop just to find shltr from a suddn showr. whatvr th rason, you can soon bcom totally unawar of your surroundings.th dsir to pick up a book with an attractiv dust jackt is irrsistibl, although this mthod of slction ought not to b followd, as you might nd up with a rathr dull book.you soon bcom ngrossd in som book or othr, and usually it is only much latr that you raliz you hav spnt far too much tim thr and must dash off to kp som forgottn appointmnt --without buying a book, of cours.this opportunity to scap th ralitis of vryday lif is, i think , th main attraction of a bookshop. thr ar not many placs whr it is possibl to do this. you can wandr round such placs to your hart's contnt. if it is a good shop, no assistant to you with invitabl grting, "can i hlp you, sir?" you finishd browsing. thn, and only thn, ar his srvics ncssary. of cours you may want to find out whr a particular sction is, but whn h has ld you thr, th assistant should rtir carfully and look as if h is not intrstd in slling a singl book.you hav to b carful not to b attractd by th varity of books in a bookshop. it is vry asy to ntr th shop looking for a book on ancint coins and to com out carrying a copy of th latst bst-slling novl. this sort of thing can b vry dangrous. apart from running up a hug account, you can wast grat dal of tim wandring from sction to sction.

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