英文-On Science
On Scinc
王乙锟 北京一零一中学高一阅读书目:国家地理科学探索丛书 物理科学系列:《力与运动》《走进电的世界》生命科学系列:《你和你的基因》《观察细胞》《保护地球母亲》
I hav got a lot of intrsting scintific knowldg from th books of National Gographic Rading xpditions, som of which ar about lif, physics. I rally can’t hlp losing myslf in th colorful picturs and clar words in th books. Aftr rading th books, I hav bn considring a qustion: What if w livd without scinc?
Grat changs hav takn plac in th world with th hlp of scinc. In th past, lif was nasty, brutish and short. It is hard to imagin how our forfathrs could do without so many convnincs that modrn scinc brings about. Back thn, only a small group of popl njoyd th vry fw comforts. But th majority of popl didn’t vn hav sufficint food, lt along thir privilg to b ducatd. Anyway, it is scinc that changs th world and maks popl’s lif bttr and bttr, although it also lads to som bad aspcts at th sam tim.
From th discovry of th gravity to th first stp on th moon, w human bings hav xprincd a long procss of dvloping scinc. And now, this procss is still continuing much fastr. Nw organisms ar alrady bing nginrd, and nw gntically modifid crops promis bnfits from highr yilds and lss us of harmful chmicals and so on. A lot of xampls ar showing this point. In th futur, changs ar likly to b vn much gratr as scinc rachs out to shap lif itslf. Mayb on day, th possibility that lif xistd on Mars billions of yars ago will b potntially on of th gratst discovris of our tim. It is th forc of th comptition, w human bings’ inquiring mind and initiativ that bring about th non-stoppd dvlopmnt of scinc. Thrfor, it is difficult and impossibl to prvnt scinc from changing th world and our lif as wll.
At prsnt, w ar in two minds about scinc. On th on hand, w ar njoying th swt lif as a rsult of th vlopmnt of scinc, and xpct it to continu. And w ar showing our intrsts into som scintific xpditions, such as th astronomy, th alin civilization, tc. On th othr hand, w ar distrustful of it, du to th lack of undrstanding of scinc. Som popl thus far ar still vry suprstitious, and thy would vn bliv in suprstitions rathr than bliv in scinc.
Stphn Hawking, on of th most rmarkabl scintists in th world, onc said, “In a dmocratic socity, th public nds to hav a basic undrstanding of th scinc, so that it can mak informd dcisions and not lav thm in th hands of xprts.” This has rmindd m of Profssor Alan G. MacDiarmid from Amrica, th prson who got th Nobl Priz for chmistry in th yar of 2000. In his lctur at Pking Univrsity this yar, h put forward that scinc is popl. H also xpoundd th importanc of th basic scinc for th public. vidntly, vry on of us dos nd scinc, or w can’t liv without it.
Now that vryon nds scinc, why not tak advantag of som mans to giv th public th right basic scintific knowldg? So whn thy fac th problms such as acid rain, th grnhous ffct, nuclar wapons, nvironmnt dstruction and som othr problms, thy can also mak informd dcisions on ths subjcts, just as what Hawking said. On aspct rlis on what is taught in schools. But scinc is oftn taught in an unintrsting way and most studnts just larn it by rot to pass xaminations. Howvr, th final goal of larning scinc is not to pass xaminations or to gt a highr scor; instad, w should try to mak full us of it to chang our world and lif. Whil larning, w should try to ask mor qustions and w should hav th courag of suspcting th knowldg in th books, as som of th scintific conclusions ar likly to b corrctd in th futur. Who knows. So not only must w chang our attitud towards scinc, but also th way of taching and larning scinc.
In addition, scinc is always changing at a fast rat, and who w larn at school isn’t that sufficint to last a liftim. So th mass mdia including TV, radio, nwspapr, magazin and publishing company will play an important rol in rporting th latst scinc in tim. Morovr, th mass mdia can also populariz basic scinc to th public, bcaus only in this way will mor popl raliz what on arth scinc is.
“Scintists and nginrs tnd to xprss thir idas in th form of quations bcaus thy nd to know th prcis valus of quantitis. But for th rst of us, a qualitativ grasp of scintific concpts is sufficint, and this can b convyd by words and diagrams, without th us of quations”, said Stphn Hawking.
I agr with him vry much, and, I’m fond of th wondrful words abov, from Stphn Hawking.
For th dvlopmnt of scinc, ar you rady?