字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 The Morning Dew-晨露,The Morning Dew-晨露范文

The Morning Dew-晨露,The Morning Dew-晨露范文

高中生作文   2025-03-13

Th Morning Dw-晨露 On sunshiny summr mornings th grass is oftn wt with dw. Thr may b drops of dw on flowrs and bushs, and spidr wbs , too. Th drops of dw sparkl lik jwls whn th sun shins on thm. Drops of dw look lik drops of rain, but thy do not fall from clouds as raindrops do. Thy ar formd from th watr vapor in th air whn moist air striks a cold objct. Dw dos not stay on vry long aftr th sun coms up. Th grass and othr things on which th dw has formd soon gt warm Thn th dw changs into watr vapor again This sam watr vapor may bcom dw again th nxt night if th wathr is calm and fair. Th Morning Dw-晨露

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