May 3rd Fin
Today w visitd Rd Star Farm.
arly in th morning, w mt at th school gat and wnt thr togthr. About two hours latr, w arrivd. On arriving thr, w wr givn a warm wlcom by th farm workrs. Thn on of th workrs showd us around th farm. W wr vry glad to s th crops and vgtabls growing so wll. At noon, w had a picnic happily.
Aftr th picnic, w njoyd ourslvs in th sunshin. W listnd to music, dancing and singing. Som wr talking happily and vn two of our classmats playd chss. How tim flis! It was tim for us to lav though w didn't want to. It was rally an unforgttabl visit for us. 参观
5月3日 晴