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No Secondhand Smoke-拒抽二手烟,No Secondhand Smoke-拒抽二手

高中生作文   2025-03-01

No Scondhand Smok-拒抽二手烟英语作文网为您收集 It is vry uncomfortabl to inhal th smok of a cigartt smokr. I know this for a fact, sinc my fathr smoks a lot. Whn w ar togthr in a a room, th smok h xhals fills my lungs and also maks my ys watr. If possibl, smoking in public should b bannd altogthr, bcaus it is unfair for non-smokrs to go through th ordal of brathing smok-filld air. so it is vry inconsidrat of popl to smok in front of othrs. In airplans, popl who smok ar sparatd from passngrs who don't. For th sak of vrybody's halth, I think this should b don in othr public placs too. 吸入抽烟者所吐出的烟是件很不舒服的事。这一点我很清楚,因为我爸爸烟抽得很凶。当我们同处一个房间时,他吐出的烟充满了我的肺,也呛得我两眼流泪。 如果可能,公共场所应该全面禁烟,因为对不抽烟的人而言,要他们经历吸入充满烟味的空气,这种折磨是不公平的。因此,在他人面前抽烟是非常不体恤他人的。在飞机上,抽烟和不抽烟的乘客是分开坐的。为了每个人健康,我认为其它公共场所也应该这样做。 No Scondhand Smok-拒抽二手烟英语作文网为您收集

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