怎样与人友好相处(How to Get Along Well with Others)
怎样与人友好相处(how to gt along wll with othrs)in our daily lif, w hav to com into contact with popl in vry walk of lif.thrfor, it is vry important for us to know how to gt along with othr popl. to gt wll along with othrs and win thir frindships, w must obsrv strictly th following words.to bgin with, w nd to b honst with othrs and shouh{ always say what w man. lis will surly mak popl stay far away from us in th long run. aftr all,honsty is th bst policy. scond, w hav to b humbl nough. if w ar proud in public, w can hardly win othr's rspct, not to mntion "frindship"finally, w must not b slfish. w should larn how to show concrn for othrs.as long as w abid by what is mntiond abov, w will find it asy to gt along wll with othrs.
怎样与人友好相处(How to Get Along Well with Others) 相关文章
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