字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 My Secrct(我的秘密)

My Secrct(我的秘密)

高中生作文   2025-02-06

Oct. 10 Saturday Fin

This vning thr was a broadcast of an xciting football match on TV. It was btwn Chins tam and th tam of th Unitd Arab mirats. I am a loyal football fan and I had xpctd th match for a long tim, so aftr class I hurrid hom. But on th way, I found a littl boy crying. H lost his way. Considring his parnts must b vry worrid, I immdiatly dcidd to snd him hom. Sing thir son back, th boy's parnts showd thir gratitud. Thy also invitd m to stay for suppr. But thinking of th football match, I rfusd thm politly.

Whn I got hom, it was vry lat. Thrfor, I missd th match,Howvr, I flt vry happy bcaus I hlpd othr popl.

Although my mothr askd why ! cam back so lat, I said nothing.Prhaps this will bcom my own scrt. 10月10日 星期六 晴



尽管妈妈问我为什么这么晚回来,我什么也没说。或许这将成为我自己的小秘密。 Oct. 10 Saturday Fin

Thr was an xciting football match on TV this vning. It was playd btwn China and th Unitd Arab mirats. As a loyal football fan, I had xpctd th match for a long tim, so aftr class I hurrid hom. But on th way, I saw a littl boy crying. H told m that h lost his way. Mayb his parnts wr worrying about him. Thinking of this, I dcidd to snd him hom. It' was a long way. It took us much tim to rach his hom.Sing thir son, th boy's parnts wr vry gratful and askd m to stay for suppr. I rfusd politly bcaus I still wantd to watch th match.

But whn I arrivd hom, it was so lat that th match had bn ovr.What a pity! Howvr, I was vry happy all th sam bcaus I hlpd othrs. I told nobody about it. It was just my scrt. 10月10日 星期六 晴


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