The use of credit cards
As th conomy is dvloping so rapidly, popl’s attitud towards lif is changing at th sam tim. Crdit cards ar bcoming mor and mor popular. but what advantags and disadvantags do thy hav? Firstly, it is quit convnint ant saf for us to us a crdit card. Cash-stoln dos not xist in this way. Popl now tak a card instad of a havy purs whrvr thy go. Scondly, crdit cards rprsnt grat honour. Popl using crdit cards shows his spcial idntity and draw othrs attntion. On th othr hand, crdit cards ar not always that good. Crdit cards can lad to ovrspnding somhow. Popl pay mor than thy hav and thn gt busy paying off. Furthrmor th crdit card chating happns mor oftn. In my opinion, crdit cards do good in our lif. But w should us thm carfully. Only whn usd crdit cards proprly can mak contribution to a mor convnint and safr lif.