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叙事   2025-02-21

what's your plan for dragon boat fstival?

As a chins, I was rally ashamd of having a littl knowldg of dragon boat fstival. Prhaps I was born in northrn city, though my city is narby sa, it has bn built a U port which I can only s cargo ships and can’t s th swping ocan. So I hav nvr s th dragon boat contst sinc I was born. So th dragon boat fstival is just a holiday for ating “Zong Zi”. My mothr mad Zong Zi whn I was a child. Bcaus thr was no suprmarkt, w couldn’t buy finishd product from markt. Howvr, now, w can buy anything in suprmarkt, so my mothr didn’t mak thm anymor. Th boat fstival bgan to fad out my mind.

In rality, young popl bgan to hav a bug to clbrat forign fstivals, such as Christams, Saint Valntin’s day, April Fool’s Day, som popl also clbrat astr in church. Talk about Dragon boat fstival, it’s th sam as som forign convntional fstivals, such as Witch’s Day in Czch. Popl burnd th witch’s puppt so as to wlcom spring. Som popl ar willing to clbrat forign fstivals bcaus thy lik alin cultur. And vic vrsa, forignrs who lik China also concrn about Chins traditional cultur.

Aftr nw holiday rgulation, w hav thr holidays during th dragon boat fstival. So many popl will choos this tim to travl. Popl who livd in Xiamn ar abl to visit Xiapu or Wu Yi mountain, ths tourist attractions ar in Fujian provinc,which is suit a short tirp. but I’d lik to stay at hom for my dcorat painting. I dcid to draw two canvass about Christmas, it’s rally a big projct. Thn I’ll hang thm on th nw hous wall. I must start it now, or I can’t finish thm bfor Christmas v. But I prciv it’s a littl difficult to draw thm in such a hot sason.

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