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高中生作文   2025-03-13


World Cup (soccr), two intrnational soccr tournamnts, on for mn and on for womn, ach hld vry four yars. Both tournamnts ar th pinnacl of intrnational comptition in th sport.

Th mn's World Cup is considrd th most popular sporting vnt in th world and is followd with passionat intrst around th glob—th final gam of th 1998 tournamnt was playd to a tlvision audinc of mor than 1 billion viwrs. Foundd in 1930 with just 13 tams, th tournamnt now attracts ntris from mor than 140 countris. Th tams must participat in limination gams within thir own continnts bfor qualifying to bcom on of th 32 nations participating in th final tournamnt.

Th womn's World Cup was first playd in 1991 and has gaind popularity stadily sinc thn. Mor than 90,000 fans attndd th finals of th 1999 tournamnt—on of th largst crowds vr to witnss a womn's sporting vnt. Narly 75 nations attmptd to qualify for th 1999 vnt, which was a 16-tam limination tournamnt.

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