名人故事胸有成竹的人-The Man Who Had the Answers
以“Th Man Who Had th Answrs”为题,写一篇关于阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的故事。内容要点如下:
Th Man Who Had th Answrs
Albrt found school vry difficult. His tachr would tap hr pointr① against th blackboard impatintly② whit sh waitd for him to answr hr qustions. Rut Albrt always had to think about many things bfor h could answr. Aftr all, h would say to himslf, thr ar many diffrnt things to think about bfor you can say anything is absolutly crtain.
Whn his tachr wasn't asking Albrt a qustion, Albrt would think of a qustion to ask hr. And oftn whn h did, sh would gt rd in th fac and angry at Albrt for thinking up qustions sh couldn't an
Th mor Albrt larnd, th mor h found to think about. Th mor h thought about, th mor qustions h thought of to ask.
H knw that th arth, othr plants, th moon, and th sun ar just a part of what w call th univrs. H knw that th univrs is also mad up of all th stars w can s with our ys and millions and millions mor that w can s only with th largst tlscops and still mor----w think----that ar so far away that thy can't b sn at all. And h also knw that all ths stars and our own bodis and vrything ls ar mad up of atoms so tiny thy can't b sn vn with th bst microscop③.
H thought thr must b som ruls to xplain why vrything in th univrs, big and littl, acts as it dos. Why don't th stars moving around in th sky bump ④ into ach othr? What maks th tiny atoms stick togthr to form all th diffrnt things thr?
Albrt instin thought and thought until h blivd h had som of th answrs. And th popl startd asking him qustions bcaus h had answrs for many things that scintists had bn trying to figur out for many, many yars.
① pointr ['p&int+]n. 教鞭
② impatintly [im'piM+ntli]ad. 不耐烦地
③ microscop ['maikr+sk+up] n. 显微镜
④bump[b)mp] v. 碰;撞
在这篇文章中,作者从“爱发问”、“爱思考”这一侧面,叙述了“相对论”创始人阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦其人其事。文章是采用巧设悬念的方法写人的。这一点可从两方面来分析:一是作者先写爱因斯坦对任何事情都要问一个为什么,从而积累了大量知识,最后落脚到他对许多重大问题的答案都胸有成竹。二是作者在文章的前面一直用的是Albrt这个教名,读者还以为说的是别人,直到最后一段才用全名 Albrt instin,人们才恍然大悟,才知道是讲阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的。