字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 To Make a Home Sweet-营建和睦的家庭

To Make a Home Sweet-营建和睦的家庭

初中生作文   2025-01-13

To Mak a Hom Swt-营建和睦的家庭 To Mak a Hom Swt

Goth said "H is th happist, bing king or pasant, who find pac in his hom". It is tru. Hom is th warmst plac in th world. Hom is th harbor. No mattr whr you ar, you would lik to b back hom in th nd.

Hom is th plac which w oftn nd to build. In ordr to crat a kind of warm and intimat atmosphr. As a mmbr of th family, it is not right to dmand prfction in ach othr. Th propr way is to cultivat flxibility, patinc, and sns ofhumour. Parnts can b mor opn-mindd and trust thir childrn, and th childrn should undrstand thir parnts' pains. If w hav spar tim aftr suppr, w may oftn communicat with ach othr and talk about what happnd in th daytim. This typ of grat importanc bcaus it oftn hlps to dpn th flings btwn th parnts and childrn.

If w do so, I bliv our hom will always b swt.



家是我们经常需要建设的地方,为了创造一个温暖而亲密的氛围,我们彼此之间应当相互尊敬和理解。作为家庭的一员, 不要苛求对方的十全十美,而要培养韧性、耐心和幽默感。父母亲应当有更加开放的心胸,而且要相信他们的孩子,而孩子们也要理解父母的辛苦,如果晚饭后有空闲时间,我们可以经常交流自己的思想,并且谈论些白天所发生的事情。这种被称为“闲聊”的交流很重要,因为它常常有助于加深父母亲和孩子们的感情。


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