字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 My Computer(我的计算机)

My Computer(我的计算机)

初中生作文   2025-03-14

My Computr(我的计算机) My Computr

My fathr bought a computr as a birthday prsnt for m last yar. It bcoms my bst frind in my room. I'd lik to play on th computr as soon as I gt hom. At wknds, I oftn play gams on lin with my frinds. I'v mad a lot of frinds on th Intnt. But my ysight bcoms poorr and poorr, and I am not abl to finish my homwork on tim. It's trribl that my fathr will rmov th computr. From now on, I should pay mor attntion to my study.

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