Summer Holiday
Last summr holiday, I wnt to Hainan with my family.Th wathr was trrfifc! Th sky was bul mor than I could dscrib, th sa was blu and bright mor than I could bliv. Walking by th sa is just lik bing in th oil painting! W saild to an island calld Xidao. I swam thr.Swimming is th sa is quit diffrnt from that in a pool. Bcaus th dpth is various all th tim.Mayb th watr cant afford you this minut, and thn it will flow ovr your had! Bsdids th swimming, w also had a good mal thr. W had a nic safood dish. I forgot th nam of that conch,but I bought back th shll. I f you want to hav a look,you may ask m.Or, w may go to Hainan togthr,for I am always hoping to com to that plac again. I rally lik that plac, a plac of bul and brightnss.