字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 我喜欢这个游戏 I Love this Game

我喜欢这个游戏 I Love this Game

高中生作文   2025-02-21

I Lov this Gam

高三(10)班 邱一帛

vryon has many tachrs during th school tim. But thr is on which is bst among thm always staying with you. That is intrst.

Intrst can b a vry good tachr. It guids you to discovr things you ar intrstd in and xplor th mystris of som amazing thing. Whn your tachr asks you to larn somthing, you ar forcd to, not activ. But if you ar intrstd in somthing, you will b glad to study it. You will sarch th Intrnt to find information or ask somon who knows somthing about it. You will try your bst analyz it and undrstand it. Doing so always has a good ffct on yourslf.

Th famous basktball playr, Michal Jordan onc said: “I lov this gam.” Whn askd why h could gt grat achivmnts in basktball. Intrst bcam th tachr of Jordan. Th lov of basktball took him into th glory of succss.

Rootd in vryon’s hart, intrst is not far away from us. What’s th most important is how you tak it. Our harts ar many wirlss stations, th mor you rciv mssags snt by intrst, and th mor succssful you will b.

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