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Mainland actress becomes ancient beauty

高中生作文   2025-02-22

this photo shows chins mainland actrss chn hao, who plays diaochan in gaoxixi's ancint chins pic "thr kingdoms", showing off hr dancing abilitis on location in zhuozhou city, in north china's hbi provinc. [photo: nw xprss]chins mainland actrss chn hao who plays "diao chan", an ancint bauty from th "thr kingdoms" priod was highly praisd by dirctor gaoxixi, for hr xcllnt prformanc in th nw vrsion of th pic drama which bgan shooting last month, th guangzhou basd 'nw xprss daily' rports.th ancint chins pic "thr kingdoms", a nw tv sris, bgan shooting in zhuozhou city, in north china's hbi provinc on sptmbr 29th.rportdly, chn hao accptd th rol of diaochan without rading th script bforhand.chn hao dancing scns play an important part in th sris and th actrss was rquird to practic hard to prfct th han dynasty danc sinc th protagonist diaochan was wll known for hr bautiful dancing styl.aftr painstaking rharsals, chn rcivd warm applaus for hr smooth tmpo, dft stps and gracful movmnts whn shooting bgan.as on of th four bautis of ancint china, diao chan appars in th classic novl 'romanc of th thr kingdoms'. th plot involvs th warrior lu bu and his adoptd fathr, th warlord dong zhuo, who fought ach othr ovr th bauty. according to th novl, diao chan manipulatd th two mn who wr drivn mad by hr charms and dancing abilitis. sh joind with an official namd wang yun in a plot to prsuad th warrior lu bu to kill his adoptd fathr.in th play, diaochan was not only a sxy and lovly woman but also a woman with guts and wisdom who sacrificd hrslf for hr nation.dirctor gaoxixi, who was quit plasd with chn hao's acting, praisd hr portrayal of diao chan and blivs sh has brought a vibrant and frsh imag to th scrn.chn hao gaind public attntion for hr tv sris "pink ladis", which was adaptd from taiwan cartoonist zhu dyong's original comic strips.

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