字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 关于交友(On Making Friends)

关于交友(On Making Friends)

高中生作文   2025-03-13

if i ask you: "do you hav frinds?" you might smil and answr,"sur, i do!" ys, vryon of us nds frinds and w all hav frinds. frinds ar lik small boats that tak us to saf harbors. frinds ar lik trs that giv us shad in hot summr days.tru frindship dpnds on mutual trust. tru frinds always hlp and larn from ach othr, but thy nvr troubl ach othr with trifls. a tru frind will kp a scrt for you and so will you for him. tru frinds may not shar th sam way of lif, but thy ar likly to shar th sam way of thinking. tru frinds nvr tak advantag of ach othr. in a word, tru frinds ar frinds through thick and thin.i apprciat th kind of frindship mntiond abov. i adhr to th principl of making frinds with thos who ar honst and rliabl, that is to say, frinds should b trustabl and dpndabl.

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