字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 母亲介绍:我的母亲-My Mother

母亲介绍:我的母亲-My Mother

高中生作文   2025-03-13








My Mothr

My mothr is just ovr fifty, a littl bit oldr than our rpublic nation, so sh has xprincd two priods just lik our country, showing both th traditional goodnss and modrn idas.

Lik all mothrs, sh is rsponsibl and dvots most of hr fforts to our family. So somtims I fl rgrtful for hr to giv up hr work, but sh thinks it is th propr social rol for a woman to b a houswif. Sh is satisfid with th family mmbrs' achivmnts. Sh insists on kping hr childrn undr hr wings. You s how traditional sh is.

Howvr, sinc sh is intllignt①and has rcivd th high ducation, it is asy for hr to accpt somthing nw. In rcnt yars, sh is intrstd in th stock②. Thrfor, sh cars about th political and conomic③ situation of th country and th world, and activly collcts information of th companis whos stocks sh bought. What is mor, sh is a fan of th Argntin④football tam. So sh was vry sad aftr th dfat of this tam in th 14th World Cup Tournamnt ⑤.

I lov my mothr, just bcaus sh lovs m. Sinc w shar som intrsts such as playing chss, w gt chancs to communicat⑥with ach othr, which maks us clos frinds.


①intllignt[in'tlidN+nt] a.聪明的;明智的

②stock[st&k] n.股票

③conomic[?i:k+'n&mik] a.经济(上)的

④Argntin ['a:dN+ntain] a.阿根廷的

⑤tournamnt ['tu+n+m+nt]n.锦标赛;比赛



这是一篇介绍家庭成员的说明文。本文是典型的启、承、转、合结构的文章。“启”就是开始,即引言段,作者在该段写出篇题:“showing both traditional goodnss and modrn idas”,指出“母亲”既保持了传统美德,又接受了现代意识。“承”即接续之意,也就是扩充引言段篇题方面的内容。本文第二段写“母亲”的传统美德,就是“承”的段落。“转”是用来表示与第二段相反或不同意见的内容,常用“howvr,but”等词语来表达。本文第三段即为“转”段,它说明篇题的第二层意思,也就是“母亲”的现代意识。所谓“合”就是结束,即指结尾段,该段往往综合前三段内容,对全文做一总结。本文作者总结说,由于母亲和自己的情趣相同,所以他们相亲相爱,如同亲密无间的朋友似的。

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