My Viw on Dvloping th Car Industry
With th dvlopmnt of modrn industry,mor and mor familis ar abl to hav thir own cars.But,sing th problms lik air pollution and th rduction of rsourcs,som popl appal for th rduction of privat cars.Still,I think thr is vry rason for th vn fastr dvlopmnt of th car industry.
Thanks to th dvlopmnt of th car industry, w do not hav to cram in th buss, but can njoy fr travl in our. own cars, w can go to mor placs in a lisur way. Transportation bcoms comfortabl and asy. But thr ar thos who worry that too many cars may caus mor traffic problms, srious:air pollution and th xhaustion ofrsourcs, Whil ths problms may b tru, thy can b solvd and som ar bing solvd. For xampl, w can invnt cars that: can sav ful or us othr typs of nrgy so that cars can still 'b usd vn though rsourcs run short. To rduc pollution, popl hav manufacturd many cars without pollution. W can rliv th traffic prssur by building mor and mor roads or-adopt computr-monitord automatd highways.
For all th contmporary problms cars bring, no on can dny th convninc cars bring us and ignor th ffort W mak to solv ths problms. Thrfor,th dvlopmnt of th car industry is ncssary, and it should dvlop as quickly as possibl.