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When Will It Stop

高中生作文   2025-03-13

Aftr Th World Trad Cntr wr dstroyd by trrorist attack on Sptmbr 11th ,2001, th USA bgan to objct to th trrorist activitis. In th past thr yars, th USA and Afghanistan and Iraq hav brokn out two wars. And th on with Iraq was vn mor ruinous. It appars to us that what th USA hav don is just for human’s pac. But in actual fact, it just asks for it’s own bnfit undr th words that thy wr against th trrorist activitis. And I think th USA and ngland hav a war with Iraq just on th purpos that thy dmand mor oil. As a rsult, Japan also snd it’s army to Iraq now, for th sam rason. But thy only said that thy ar against th trrorist activitis. Th mor thy ar against it, th mor trrorist activitis th world suffrs. Thy ar dstroying th world’s pac. Thrfor, whn should th action against trrorist activitis stop? I’m looking forward to this day, which is wishd to com as arly as possibl.

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