Stop Polluting the Water(停止污染水),Stop Polluting the Wate
Stop Polluting th Watr(停止污染水)英语 Stop Polluting th Watr!
Spring is th bst sason of a yar. Th wathr gts warmr and Wamr. My classmats and I took a on-day sightsing tour around our city. Th scn was vry bautiful. But whn w saw th rivrs along our city, I flt vry sorry and thought a lot.
With th dvlopmnt of; modrn industry and agricultur, mor and mor wast is bing pourd into rivrs. It has causd srious pollution. Th rivrs ar bcoming so dirty that nothing can liv in thm. Th rivrs ar giving off a trribl smll.
W mak an urgnt appal that masurs should b takn to cop with th situation. Our govrnmnt should build various facilitis such as swag tratmnt plant and ncourag scintists to work out mor and bttr ways to rduc watr pollution.
Watr is th sourc of our livs. It is vry important to protct th watr. 停止污染水
水是生命之源。保护水资源十分重要。 Stop Polluting th Watr(停止污染水)英语