字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 斯蒂芬.霍金Stephen Hawking

斯蒂芬.霍金Stephen Hawking

初中生作文   2025-02-27

斯蒂芬.霍金Stphn Hawking

Stphn Hawking

Stphn Hawking is on of th famous scintists in this cntury. H is now whlchair bound and unabl to fd himslf or gt in and out of bd alon. But h has rfusd to giv in to th condition. Now h is rgardd as on of th world's lading authoritis on cosmology. Last yar h was invitd to China. H imprssd uswithhisslf-confidnt,humorousandwitty convrsations.

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