字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 我感谢爸爸


写人   2025-03-12

感恩节英语作文:我感谢爸爸我感谢爸爸(I am gratful to my fathr )I would lik to thank th many popl, but th most gratful to my fathr, from small to larg, my fathr gav m ncouragmnt and lov so many.My fathr is warm and svr, whn holiday tim, h liks to join m sitting in bd talking days latr to s if th book latr. H told m is so svr! In particular, I do not listn, his ys wr round, sharp ys lik a sword in my body scan to scan, I immdiatly for th mistaks I fl ashamd. I lov my fathr, gratful to him for my pay, my ducation. Whn I was sick, is to tak car of my fathr in vry possibl way; I am in troubl, th fathr is kind of nic to hlp m. H gav m th lov is slflss. On Sunday vning, I fl listlss, had no nrgy to th body. Dad found, hlp m to rst, giv m tmpratur. Goodfllas! 39 dgrs 5! At this tim, I also had halo Youtng body cold and hot, uncomfortabl bd in Dngjiao, th fathr thn took a wt towl on my had nough, I fl bttr. In th 3-point night, I did not fir back, th fathr had no choic but to th clinic to buy mdicin for m, a fathr of svn Lianpao clinics, but ar not yt opn. By 6 o'clock, my fathr turnd to th county hospital, th fathr upstairs downstairs to buy mdicin for m, pay, I can clarly s th fathr of crystal bads of swat on his forhad. At this point, I rally wantd to say to th fathr: Dad, I thank you! Dad is not only concrnd about my body, is also vry concrnd about my larning. No mattr how busy work and mor tird, vry night my fathr gav m guidanc homwork, I usually chck to chck on mor than 11 o'clock. On night, my fathr cam back to work ovrtim has bn 9:30, I still want to inspct oprations, said: Dad, you ar vry tird, not to rst as soon as possibl, for giving m a scond inspction oprations tomorrow. Fathr Solmnly told m: Th things that day to b compltd that day. I hav to chck in th opration, Dad, I found svral qustions wrong, h would ovrs all th wrong I hav th titl all th mistaks. Undr th guidanc of th fathr, my math with a lap of 100 points khao twic, th last tst at th nd of th 99.5 points khao. And th nglish languag is that thr is grat progrss. I would lik to thank my fathr for his slf-confidnc and gav m strong, thank him for giving m th warmth of lov, I will us practical actions to rturn to my fathr's lov.

标签: 森林 大战
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