字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 A Glass of Milk-—杯牛奶

A Glass of Milk-—杯牛奶

初中生作文   2025-02-14

A Glass of Milk-—杯牛奶 A Glass of Milk

Today is th first day of t nw trm. I got up arly and chckd my wintcr vacation homwork bfor going to sclool.

Whil I was busy claring up th books, Fathr cam in with a glass of milk in his hand, "Drink it up, boy ."Fathr said to m gntly.

I was in such a hurry that Ipaid no attntion whthr th milk was hot or not. I drank a mouthful and crid with th sound of th brokn glass. "What's th mattr.?" Fathr askd anxiously. "You didn't tll m th milk was so hot. I got a blistr through bing scaldd." "Oh, it's my fault. Ar you Ok?" Fathr turnd to th kitchn aftr h was crtain thr was nothing srious with m, "Thr is som mor in th kitchn. I'll bring it for you. Wait for m. I'II b back soon."

I was so angry with Fathr that I said"No. I won't b scaldd again." Thn I put all I wantd into my bag and wantd to go to school without brakfast. But I was astonishd at what I saw whn I turnd around. Fathr was cooling th milk by pouring it from on glass to th othr again and again. "Don't worry. It'll b Ok soon. It's bad for your halth without brakfast. "Fathr said with a smil of apology. Tars cam into my ys. How rud I was just now! How rgrtful I was! I took th glass from my fathr's hand and drank it up without a stop.

What a good fathr I hav!





满歉意地说。眼泪湿润了我的眼眶。我刚才太无礼了! 我真后悔! 我从爸爸手里接过牛奶一口气喝光了。


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