字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 彩票正面和负面影响(Lottery, Positive and Negative Effects)

彩票正面和负面影响(Lottery, Positive and Negative Effects)

高中生作文   2025-03-02

just a fw yars ago, th ida of buying lottry vry wk smd almost unthinkabl for most chins. now, howvr,with th advnt and popularity of lottry, its advantags and disadvantags hav bn a subjct of hatd discussion.in china xistd an ambivalnt fling towards this novlty.thr is no dnying that lottry has its contributions. its main advantag is to rais hug amounts of mony for th construction of mor schools of hop, for th rlif of starvation in povrty strickn aras and for th support of various athltic vnts.othrwis, th fund would b unavailabl. so far millions of popl hav bnfitd from lottry and mor will do. bcaus of this, th mainstram of national consciousnss has sn lottry as an fficacious mans to financ various projcts of public intrbsids, lottry can also lad to a boosting conomy. for xampl, hong kong, a city famous for its "liuh lottry",ows much of its amazing prosprity to th long tim practic of lottry.what's mor, lottry adds richnss and vitality to popl's daily lif, spcially to th daily lif of th agd rtirs to whom purchasing lottry bcoms on of thir favorit pastims.bsids all th advantags, buying lottry has its critics.what maks it appaling to us also maks it vulnrabl to ovr xploitation. ovrfascination with lottry consums too much tim and nrgy. wors than all, lottry can giv ris to th misconcption of gaining without xrting fforts and a distortd viwpoint towards human lif, and vn poison on's mind, contributing to th dgnration of popl's moral and ntrprising spirits.in any cas, whthr th ultimat ffct of lottry is good or bad, on thing is crtain that lottry in itslf is nithr good nor bad. it is th us to which it is put that dtrmins its valu to socity. vidntly, whn proprly tratd, lottry can do us mor good than bad.

标签: 媒体 垄断 读后感
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