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我的狗Mimi(My dog Mimi)

小学生作文   2025-01-26

我的狗Mimi(My dog Mimi)i hav a dog. its nam is mimi. it is whit and cut. it has two long ars and two black ys. on my tn yars’ birthday party, my uncl bought it for m.it is vry lovly, i lov it vry much. i nd to fd it twic a day. i go back to my hom onc a wk. whn gt my hom, it will bark and hold out its tongu, it is vry lovly. and i am vry happy to s it. if i am bord, i will tak it to th playground and play gams with it. w usually play “dog barking”. that is w throw th ball, if sombody dosn’t catch th ball, sh will say “汪汪”, lik dog barking. this gam is vry fun, w all lik to play it.i nvr gt angry whn it maks mistak, i only tll it dosn’t mak th sam mistaks. mimi is vry smart, it undrstands somthing i say. i want to say thank you to my uncl, thanks for that cut, smart, funny dog. i lov my dog. i think and i bliv, if vryon protcts animals, animals will b our frinds.

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