遗失启事:丢失书包-Schoolbag Lost,遗失启事:丢失书包-Schoolbag
遗失启事:丢失书包-Schoolbag Lost 由 丢失书包
Schoolbag Lost
Dcmbr 3, 1999
I was carlss and lost my schoolbag on th sportsground on th aftrnoon of th 2nd of this month, Thursday whn I was watching football match thr. Insid wr thr txtbooks, a dictionary, a bunch of kys, and th bank nots of mor than tn yuan. Will th findr snd it ithr to th monitor of Class 3, Snior Crad 2 or to myslf? Many thanks to th findr. Our classroom is in Room 206, Taching Building.
Liu Xia
遗失启事是团体或个人遗失某物之后为了寻找遗失的物品而发的通告。这种启事以遗失物品的名称加上“Lost”一词为标题,也可以单独写“Lost”一词。正文要把物品的特征、多少、大小、颜色等写详细一点,有时还要把里面装的东西写清楚,如本启事就是这样的一例。 遗失启事:丢失书包-Schoolbag Lost 由