字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 行动记人:我们的实习老师-Our Student Teachers,行动记人:我们的

行动记人:我们的实习老师-Our Student Teachers,行动记人:我们的

高中生作文   2025-01-10

行动记人:我们的实习老师-Our Studnt Tachrs 英语作文网整理收集 我们的实习老师








Our Studnt Tachrs

Monica, Milly and Mary wr our studnt tachrs. Last trm thy cam to our school to practis taching. Thy hav bn away from us for a long tim. I miss thm vry much.

I still rmmbr th days whn thy wr in our school. Th first day thy cam into our classroom with a smil and introducd thmslvs to us. Thy cam from Guangxi Tachrs' Collg. Thy major in① nglish, but also study Japans. Thy ach would giv us on month's nglish lssons; I flt vry happy for it.

Th lssons thy taught us wr as lovly and intrsting as my nglish tachr's. I was always absorbd in②thir lssons. I listnd to thm carfully with grat plasur. Happily for m, thy oftn askd m som qustions in vry class. I always trid my bst to answr thm. Thy wr satisfid with my answrs. I was vry glad. From thn on, I bcam mor intrstd in nglish and studid hardr than vr.

Aftr class, thy oftn taught us nglish songs. Thy wr not only strict in our studis but also strict with us. W lookd on thm as our ldr sistrs and rspctd thm. Thy ncouragd m to study vry subjct hardr, spcially nglish so that I could bcom a collg studnt lik thm on day. Thy gav m a grat dal of good advic on how to larn nglish wll.

Tim passd quickly and a month wnt by bfor w knw it. Thy had to lav us, and I flt vry sad for it. Bfor thy lft, w had som photos takn with thm, as a mmnto③. I am sur I will mt thm again on day.



①major ['midN ] v.主修;专攻(后面常跟介词in)

②(b) absorbd [ b's&:bd] in 全神贯注于……

③mmnto [mi'mnt u] n.纪念品


本文写了三位师范学院学生在作者所在中学实习的事。文章从这三位实习生学的专业、在实习期间的授课情况以及他们在课后和学生的交往等几方面记述了作者对他们实习工作的感受和后来对他们的怀念。 行动记人:我们的实习老师-Our Studnt Tachrs 英语作文网整理收集

标签: 环保 世界

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