生命是个奇迹(Miraculous Life)
i nvr considrd myslf uniqu, but popl ar constantly tlling m, "you ar a miracl." to m, i was just an ordinary "guy" with ralistic goals and big drams. i was a 19-yar-old studnt at th univrsity of txas and wll on my way toward fulfilling my "big dram" of on day bcoming an orthopdic surgon.我从未觉得自己与众不同,但人们常对我说:“你的生命是个奇迹。”对我而言,我只是一个普通人,有着现实的目标和远大的理想。我曾是德克萨斯大学一名十九岁的大学生,在通向理想之路上信步前行,梦想有一天我会成为一名整形外科医生。on th night of fbruary 17, 1981 i was studying for an organic chmistry tst at th library with sharon, my girlfrind of thr yars. sharon had askd m to driv hr back to hr dormitory as it was gtting quit lat. w got into my car, not ralizing that just gtting into a car would nvr quit b th sam for m again. i quickly noticd that my gas gaug was rgistrd on mpty so i pulld into a narby convninc stor to buy '2.00 worth of gas. "i'll b back in two minuts," i ylld at sharon as i closd th door. but instad, thos two minuts changd my lif forvr.1981年2月17日的晚上,我和交往三年的女友沙伦在为有机化学测试做准备。因为太晚了,沙伦叫我驾车把她送回宿舍。我们钻进汽车,谁能想到在今后的生命中我不能再如此矫健地重复这样一个简单的动作。我很快发现油表空了,于是我把车泊在附近的一家便利店旁,想买两块钱的汽油。“我两分钟就回来,”我关上车门朝沙伦喊到。但就是这短短的两分钟改变了我一生的命运,永远地改变了。ntring th convninc stor was lik ntring th twilight zon. on th outsid i was a halthy, athltic, pr-md studnt, but on th insid i was just anothr statistic of a violnt crim. i thought i was ntring an mpty stor, but suddnly i ralizd it was not mpty at all. thr robbrs wr in th procss of committing a robbry and my ntranc into th stor caught thm by surpris. on of th criminals immdiatly shovd a .38 calibr handgun to my had, ordrd m to th coolr, pushd m down on th floor, and pumpd a bullt into th back of my had -- xcution styl. h obviously thought i was dad bcaus h did not shoot m again. th trio of thivs finishd robbing th stor and lft calmly.进入这家便利店就如同踏上了阴阳间的奈何桥,门外的我还是个健康的,活蹦乱跳的未婚大学生,而门内的我却成了暴力犯罪的又一个牺牲品。我还以为店里没有人,但我突然发现我错了——有三个匪徒正在打劫这家店,而我的进入让他们有些惊慌失措。其中一个匪徒迅速掏出一把口径为38毫米的手枪用力指着我的头,勒令我走到冷冻机旁,然后把我推倒在地,像执行死刑般从后面朝我头部开了一枪。他没再朝我开第二枪,显然他以为我死了。打劫完后三个劫匪逃之夭夭。manwhil, sharon wondrd why i had not rturnd. aftr sing th thr mn lav th stor sh rally bgan to worry as i was th last prson sh saw ntring th stor. sh quickly wnt insid to look for m, but saw no on-only an almost mpty cash rgistr containing on chck and svral pnnis. quickly sh ran down ach aisl shouting, "mik, mik!"与此同时,沙伦对我的不归忧心忡忡。看到这三个匪徒离开便利店后她真的很担心,因为我是她见到的最后一个进入店里的人。她赶快跑进店来找我,只见几乎被一扫而空的收银机上挂着一张帐单,还有几枚硬币散落在上面,四周无人。她在货架间飞快地跑着、喊着:“迈克,迈克!”just thn th attndant appard from th back of th stor shouting, "lady, gt down on th floor. i'v just bn robbd and shot at!"这时一名服务员从店后面走出来叫到:“小姐,过来一下,我刚才被打劫了,他们还向我开了枪。”sharon quickly droppd to th floor scraming, "hav you sn my boyfrind? h has auburn hair." th man did not rply but wnt back to th coolr whr h found m choking on my vomit. th attndant quickly cland my mouth and thn calld for th polic and an ambulanc.沙伦跌跌撞撞地过来哭喊到:“你见到我的男朋友了吗?长褐色头发的。” 那人默默走到冷冻机旁,找到了我,此时呕吐快令到我窒息了。他赶忙帮我擦干了嘴,叫了警察和救护车。sharon was in shock. sh was bginning to undrstand that i was hurt, but sh could not bgin to comprhnd or imagin th svrity of my injury.沙伦被吓坏了。渐渐地她才明白我受伤了,但是她根本想象不到伤势的严重性。whn th polic arrivd thy immdiatly calld th homicid division as thy did not think i would surviv and th paramdic rportd that sh had nvr sn a prson so svrly woundd surviv. at 1:30 a.m. my parnts who livd in houston, wr awaknd by a tlphon call from bracknridg hospital advising thm to com to austin as soon as possibl for thy fard i would not mak it through th night.警察来了,他们很快断定是杀人案,因为没人相信我还能活过来,而救护人员说她从来没有见过伤势如此严重的人可以逃离死劫。下午一点半,我住在奥斯汀的父母被来自布莱肯瑞吉医院的电话铃惊醒,医院通知他们尽快赶到奥斯汀,因为他们认为我熬不过当晚了。but i did mak it through th night and arly in th morning th nurosurgon dcidd to oprat. howvr, h quickly informd my family and sharon that my chancs of surviving th surgry wr only 40/60. if this wr not bad nough, th nurosurgon furthr shockd my family by tlling thm what lif would b lik for m if i bat th odds and survivd. h said i probably would nvr walk, talk, or b abl to undrstand vn simpl commands.但那晚我挺了过来,第二天清晨神经外科医生决定给我动手术。但他立即告知我的家人和沙伦我存活的机会只有百分之四十。然后他还雪上加霜地告诉我的家人,向他们描述如果我万幸活下来将面临怎样的生活——我可能再也不会走路了,不会说话了,甚至不能理解一些极其简单的命令。这些对我的家人来说都是莫大的打击。my family was hoping and praying to har vn th slightst bit of ncouragmnt from that doctor. instad, his pssimistic words gav my family no rason to bliv that i would vr again b a productiv mmbr of socity. but onc again i bat th odds and survivd th thr and a half hours of surgry. grantd, i still could not talk, my ntir right sid was paralyzd and many popl thought i could not undrstand, but at last i was stabl. aftr on wk in a privat room th doctors flt i had improvd nough to b transfrrd by jt ambulanc to dl oro rhabilitation hospital in houston.本来家里人祈望能从医生的口中听到一点点鼓励的话,而他悲观的言语让他们没理由相信我还会成为一个对社会有用的人。在经历了三个半小时的手术之后,我再次侥幸地活了下来。医生的话得到了应验,我不能说话,整个右边的身体瘫痪了,许多人认为我变傻了,但至少我身体状况是稳定的。在私人看护病房里呆了一个星期后,医生觉得我已经好转了许多,并可以坐救护飞机转到奥斯汀的德欧洛康复医院。my hallucinations, coupld with my physical problms, mad my prognosis still vry blak. howvr, as tim passd my mind bgan to clar and approximatly six wks latr my right lg bgan to mov vr so slightly. within svn wks my right arm slowly bgan to mov and at ight wks i uttrd my first fw words. my spch was xtrmly difficult and slow in th bginning, but at last it was a bginning. i was starting to look forward to ach nw day to s how far i would progrss. but just as i thought my lif was finally looking brightr i was tstd by th hospital uro-psychologist. sh xplaind to m that judging from my tst rsults sh blivd that i should not focus on rturning to collg but that it would b bttr to st mor "ralistic goals."意识上的幻觉和生理上的病疾使我的病情预断非常的渺茫。然而时间的飞逝使我的意识开始变得清晰,大约六个星期以后我的右腿可以轻微地活动了,七周以后我的右臂开始缓慢地活动了,八周以后我终于开口说话了。说话对于我非常地艰难并且开始的时候说得很慢,但是总算是开头了。我开始寄希望于新的一天的到来,祈望着新的进步。但正当我以为生活总算初露光明的时候,医院里有个欧洲来的心理学家对我做了测试。她向我解释到,从检测的结果来看她坚信我不能再重返学校,劝我对此不要抱有任何希望,希望我最好树立些更现实点的目标。upon haring hr valuation i bcam furious for i thought, "who is sh to tll m what i can or cannot do. sh dos not vn know m. i am a vry dtrmind and stubborn prson!" i bliv it was at that vry momnt that i dcidd i would somhow, somday rturn to collg.她的这番结论让我怒不可遏,“她是谁,凭什么告诉我能做什么或不能做什么。她根本不了解我。我是很坚强而固执的人!”我相信就在那时我决定无论如何,总有一天我会返回学校的。it took m a long tim and a lot of hard work but i finally rturnd to th univrsity of txas in th fall of 1983 -- a yar and a half aftr almost dying. th nxt fw yars in austin wr vry difficult for m, but i truly bliv that in ordr to s bauty in lif you hav to xprinc som unplasantnss. mayb i hav xprincd too much unplasantnss, but i bliv in living ach day to th fullst, and doing th vry bst i can. and ach nw day was vry busy and vry full, for bsids attnding classs at th univrsity i undrwnt thrapy thr to fiv days ach wk at bracknridg hospital. if this wr not nough i flw to houston vry othr wknd to work with tom williams, a trainr and xcutiv who had workd for many collgs and profssional tams and also had hlpd many injurd athlts, such as arl campbll and ric dickrson. through tom i larnd: "nothing is impossibl and nvr, nvr giv up or quit."在经历了一年半垂死挣扎的生活后,在漫长的等待和艰辛的付出后,终于在1983年的秋天,我返回了德克萨斯大学。在奥斯汀接下来的几年里我生活得非常艰难,但我确信为了看到生活中的真善美你必须要经历一些苦难。也许我经历的苦难太多了,但我有一个信念——充实地过每一天,尽力做到最好。日子过的很繁忙、很充实,除了读书,每周我还在要在布莱肯瑞吉医院接受三到五次的治疗。如果这还不够忙的话,我还要隔周和汤姆·威廉斯飞到奥斯汀工作。汤姆是一个教练兼主管,他曾效力于许多大学校队和职业联队,并帮助过许多受伤的运动员,如:厄尔·坎贝尔和艾立克·迪克森。从汤姆的身上我学到“没有什么是不可能的,千万千万不要放弃,永不放弃。”arly, during my thrapy, my fathr kpt rpating to m on of his favorit sayings. i hav rpatd it almost vry day sinc bing hurt: "mil by mil it's a trial; yard by yard it's hard; but inch by inch it's a cinch."早在我接受治疗的时候,父亲总是重复他最爱的那句话,每天当我感到痛苦的时候我也对自己重复那句话,那就是“脚踏实地,切勿急功近利。”i thought of thos words, and i thought of tom, my family and sharon who blivd so strongly in m as i climbd th stps to rciv my diploma from th dan of libral arts at th univrsity of txas on that bright sunny aftrnoon in jun of 1986. xcitmnt and prid filld my hart as i hard th dan announc that i had graduatd with "highst honors", bn lctd to phi bta kappa, and bn chosn as on of 12 dan's distinguishd graduats out of 1600 in th collg of libral arts. th ovrwhlming motions and flings that i xprincd at that vry momnt, whn most of th audinc gav m a standing ovation, i flt would nvr again b matchd in my lif-not vn whn i graduatd with a mastrs dgr in social work and not vn whn i bcam mployd full tim at th txas pain and strss cntr. but i was wrong!1986年六月那个阳光明媚的午后,当我步履蹒跚地走上德克萨斯大学迪安文学院的台阶接受文凭的时候,我思索着这些话,想到汤姆、父母还有沙伦,他们都那么坚定地给予了我信任。当我听到院长宣布我以最高荣誉毕业时,我的心中充满了骄傲和自信。接着他还宣布我被选入美国大学优等生荣誉学会,并在1600名毕业生中当选为12名迪安文学院的杰出毕业生之一。当场有许多观众站起来为我鼓掌,那一刻令我心潮澎湃、百感交集。我甚至觉得生命中不可能再经历那样的感慨和激情,这种想法一直延续到我获得社会学的硕士学位,成为德克萨斯止痛减压中心的一名全职工作人员。但幸运之神再次眷顾了我!on may 24, 1987, i ralizd that nothing could vr match th joy i flt as sharon and i wr marrid. sharon, my high school swthart of nin yars, had always stood by m, through good and bad tims. to m, sharon is my miracl, my diamond in a world filld with problms, hurt, and pain. it was sharon who droppd out of school whn i was hurt so that sh could constantly b at my sid. sh nvr wavrd or gav up on m. it was hr faith and lov that pulld m through so many dark days. whil othr nintn yar old girls wr going to partis and njoying lif, sharon dvotd hr lif to my rcovry. that, to m, is th tru dfinition of lov. aftr our bautiful wdding i continud working part tim at th pain cntr and compltd my work for a mastrs dgr. w wr xtrmly happy, but vn happir whn w larnd sharon was prgnant.1987年5月24日,我觉得再没有什么能与此时的快乐相提并论,我和沙伦结婚了。沙伦是我高中时代的女友,风风雨雨九年来,她一直陪在我身旁。对我来说,她是我的奇迹,是我在这个充满困惑和伤痛的世界上拥有的一颗钻石。为了能日夜守侯在我的身旁,沙伦在我受伤的时候放弃了学业。她的爱从未动摇过,她从未抛弃过我。是她的忠诚和爱伴着我度过了无数个黑暗的日子。当别的十九岁的女孩子参加舞会、享受生活的时候,沙伦把青春献给了病床上的我,等待我的康复。对我来说,这就是爱的真谛。在那个美满的婚礼之后,我继续在止痛中心做着兼职的工作,并获得了我的硕士学位。我们非常的幸福,而沙伦怀孕的消息更让我们恩爱有加。on july 11, 1990 at 12:15 a.m. sharon wok m with th nws: "w nd to go to th hospital&hllip; my watr just brok." i couldn't hlp but think how ironic it was that my lif almost ndd in a convninc stor and now on th dat "7-11" w wr about to bring a nw lif into this world. this tim it was my turn to hlp sharon as sh had hlpd m ovr thos past yars. sh was in labor for 15 hours. at 3:10 p.m. sharon and i xprincd th birth of our bautiful daughtr, shawn lys sgal! tars of joy and happinss cam to my ys as our halthy, alrt, wondrful daughtr ntrd this world. w anxiously countd hr 10 fingrs and hr 10 tos and watchd hr wid ys tak in th world about hr. it was truly a bautiful pictur that was tchd in my mind forvr as sh li in hr mothr's waiting arms, just minuts aftr hr birth. at that momnt i thankd god for blssing us with th gratst miracl of all-shawn lys sgal.1990年7月11日12点15分,沙伦把我从梦中唤醒:“我们得去医院了&hllip;&hllip;我羊水破了。”我忍不住想命运真让人啼笑皆非,它几乎让我在那家便利店里丢了性命,而在一个命名为“7·11”的日子里它却让我迎来新生命的出世。多年来沙伦帮我度过了一次又一次难关,这次该我来帮助她了。沙伦经历了15个小时的分娩。在3点10分的时候,沙伦和我一起迎来了我们美丽的女儿——萧恩·艾丽斯·斯高。当我看到美丽的女儿健康地来到这个世上,喜悦和幸福化作泪水夺眶而出。我们迫不及待地数着她的十个手指和十只脚趾,看着她大大的眼睛注视着她的世界。初生的婴儿躺在妈妈柔软的怀里如一副优美的图画将永驻我的心中。那一刻,我感谢上帝赐予我们如此最伟大的奇迹——我的萧恩·艾丽斯·斯高。