盼望的事:在军训的日子里-During the Days of Military Training
盼望的事:在军训的日子里-During th Days of Military Training 英语作文网整理收集 在军训的日子里【内容提示】军训是同学们企盼已久的事,这一天终于到来了。你们在烈日下每天训练6个小时,脸晒黑了,汗流浃背,但你们感到非常快乐。训练时,排长对你们要求很严。过后对你们非常友好。经过训练你们学到了许多东西。 【作文示范】During th Days of Military TrainingTh day w wr looking forward to cam at last----a wk's military training bgan.During th training, ach of us did his (hr) part in arnst. W drilld mor than six hours a day, though it was vry hot at th tim.In th blazing① sun, w always trid to masur up to th high standards which wr dmandd . Swat stramd down and w wouldn't wip it off. Olny thr days latr our facs wr tannd.② W flt happy and proud of it .Our platoon③ officr was a young PLA man, about twnty yars old. H was vry strict with us during th training and vry kind to us aftrwards. By talking with him, w cam to know not only mor information about army lif, but also about military affairs.Th military training gav us good disciplin. It brought us grat happinss, too. W'll nvr forgt it.(选自1987年11月10日《上海学生英文报》)【词语解释】①blazing ['bliziR] a.强烈的;闪耀的 ②tan[t4$n] v.把……晒黑③platoon[pl 'tu:n] n.(军队的)排【写法指要】文章开门见山地说,军训开始了,这是他们盼望已久的事。接下来总的讲军训的时间和天气条件。然后,作者从两个方面展开:一是以苦为乐,二是干群关系。这些都是中国人民解放军最优秀的传统。最后,作者说他们通过军训学到许多东西,军训给予他们严明的纪律,也使他们感到幸福,永远难忘。全文写得条理清晰,情深意切。 盼望的事:在军训的日子里-During th Days of Military Training 英语作文网整理收集