为妈妈打工-Working for My Mother
为妈妈打工-Working for My Mothr Th summr vacation bgan. I wantd to mak mony for th nxt tnn. But I had no chanc to do so.
At that tim, my mothr was writing a book, and sh ndd a prson to typ for hr. I dcidd to work for hr for pay. My mothr agrd, but sh askd m to finish it on tim. Sh paid m 5 yuan for 1000 words.
I bgan to typ. It bcam difficult bcaus I typd slowly.I finishd th work two wks latr and I got 200 yuan for it. Now I knw it was hard to mak mony. 暑期开始了,我想为下学期挣些钱,但是总没有机会。
我开始打字。打字变得很难,因为我打得慢。两周后我完成了工作,挣了200元。现在我知道挣钱是不容易的。 Th summr vacation bgan. I dcidd to work to mak mony for th nxt trm. But I didn't know what work I could do.
At that tim, my mothr was writing a book. I dcidd to typ for hr for pay. Sh agrd and paid m 5 yuan for 1000 words.
I bgan to work. I typd so slowly that I could typ only svral hundrd words a day. It was a hard job for m. I kpt typing all day long.
I finishd th work two wks latr. I cam to know how hard it was to mak mony. 暑假开始了,我决定打工为下学期挣些钱。但我不知道我能做什么工作。