假期我们去哪?(Where shall we go on holiday?)
假期我们去哪?(Whr shall w go on holiday?)Cindy,Sarah,Kirsty and sally’s school hoilday is coming .thy’r talking about thir school hoilday.Cindy:Tomorrow is our school hoilday.what shall w going to do?Sarah:Shall w going to th Changjiang Rivr Cruis?W can tak som bautiful photos.Kirsty:Oh!That’s boring.I vn lik go to bijing Road and buy som nw cloths.Sally:I don’t lik to buy cloths.I want go far som.Lt’s go to shnzhn .And play Window of th World, and all of us ar going to hav fun thr. Cindy: Th admission tickt was too costly, and I fl to climb a mountain bttr play.Lt's go to BaiYun hill togthr.Kirsty: I’m agr.climbing a mountain brath frsh air.Sarah:. Good ida. W should mak us of wknd to toughn body.Sally: Lt's go to BaiYun hill togthr!
假期我们去哪?(Where shall we go on holiday?) 相关文章
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