字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 热心的人:一位不相识的朋友-An Unfamiliar Friend

热心的人:一位不相识的朋友-An Unfamiliar Friend

高中生作文   2025-03-01





An Unfamiliar Frind

My dar, only fiftn minuts lft! Mayb th bus would nvr com. If I waitd hr a littl longr, undoubtdly, I would b th last to stp into th classroom again. Thn Mr. Wang would ask m as usual, “Did you go to bd lat or gt up lat?” vryon would star at m. That was rally mbarrassing①. I had to hurry up on foot.

A cold wind blw up my hair. I rubbd my hands, and pulld up my collar, and walkd hurridly. Just thn, a young man, waring only a vst and a pair of sport pants, was running past m, with his arms waving. His fac turnd rd with cold, but h smd to b unmindful② of th cold.

H smild at m, passing by. His smil mad m fl as if h wr saying, “Lt's run togthr.” I mad my pac unconsciously③. Thn I trid my bst to catch him up, but faild bcaus of lack of xrciss in th past. With a havy bag on my back, I flt vry tird. Occasionally④, h turnd back, smiling, ncouraging m to run fastr.

Suddnly h stoppd at a platform, which was his dstination. H took a dp brath, and thn gav a sharp but frindly whistl to m. I, also, whistld in rturn. H askd, “What tim is it?” “It is…,” I lookd at my watch and found it was alrady 7:37. Thr wr only thr minuts lftfor class.

As I hurrid into th school gat, I was so thankful. What a good frind I mt, and how I hopd to mt mor such frinds in my lif.



①mbarrassing [im'b$r+siR] a.令人为难的

②unmindful [)n'maindful] a.不介意的

③unconsciously [)n'k&nM+sli] ad.无意识地

④occasionally [+'kiN+n+li] ad.不时地



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