用英文写日记-Keeping a Diary in English
用英文写日记-Kping a Diary in nglish用英文写日记是提高我们的英文写作能力的一个有效途径,它可以帮助我们养成用英文思考的习惯。几乎所有的学生在刚开始时都不知道写什么。我就有同感。但我在开始时就只是写下任何当时出现在我脑海里的东西。如果遇到我不会表达的词就去查字典。就这样,第二天我坚持写下去。然后以后天天写一些东西。也许刚开始我写的东西不能称做是文章,甚至连句子都不是。这也没关系,我知道要想习惯用另一种不同的方式思考是要花一些时间的。我相信时间会证明我的努力不会白费。
Kping a Diary in nglish
Kping a diary in nglish is on of th ffctiv ways to improv our nglish writing ability. It can hlp us dvlop th habit of thinking in nglish. Almost all studnts don't know what to writ in nglish at th bginning. I had th sam xprinc. But I just kp writing down vrything happnd to b in my mind. I will turn to a dictionary if I com across any words that I don't know how to xprss. Th scond day,I just do th sam. Thn I kp on writing vry day. Mayb th things I writ at first cannot b calld an articl, or vn a sntnc. It dosn't mattr. I do undrstand that it nds tim to gt myslf usd to thinking in a diffrnt way. Tim can prov my fforts will not nd in vain.