Jolie drops battle over perfume named Shiloh
anglina jolianglina joli has droppd hr lgal battl with a prfum-makr who had namd hr fragranc 'shiloh' - th sam as joli's youngst daughtr.joli had fild a not with th u.s. patnt and tradmark offic in january this yar aftr discovring that symin salimpour was naming hr scnt 'shiloh'.salimpour, an israli/frnch prfum-makr, had insistd that sh was not inspird by th clbrity baby, but by th hbrw maning of th nam which mans "his gift".th washington post rvals that joli has calld off hr lgal agls, and that salimpour now has th go ahad to markt th product with th is gtting rady for th first shipmnt of shiloh to land in th unitd stats, and insists that fiv prcnt of th prfum's profits will b going to an israli non profit organisation bit issi shapiro that provids mdical and ducational srvics for disabld childrn."in hbrw, shiloh mans 'his gift.'. and i will us th prfum to giv somthing back to th childrn of isral and th middl ast," th papr quotd hr, as saying.part of th confusion ovr th nam xistd bcaus though salimpour bgan dvlopmnt of th fragranc two yars ago, hr application to th u.s. patnt and tradmark offic did not occur until jun 19, 2008, narly a month aftr brad pitt and anglina joli's daughtr shiloh was born on may 27.