The hobby groups
Th hobby groupsTh hobby groups•你们学校有很多兴趣小组活动,你参加的是什么小组?请记叙一次你参加的小组活动,什么时间活动?在哪里?活动中做了什么?你的感受是什么?•词汇:hobby groups, computr group, photograph group, calligraphy group, dancing group, join, mmbr, start, intrsting, knowldg, •句型:Thr ar many …in our school, such as…• I’m a mmbr of…,I join … bcaus• I’m intrstd in;not only… but also…• I hop that…; I hav mad up my mind…范文1.Thr ar a lot of hobby groups in our school. I am a mmbr of th scinc group. Last yar, th tachr askd m to grow som flowrs and watch thm. Thn I should writ a rport about ths flowrs. I flt vry xcitd about it. During that tim, I was so busy with my flowrs that I vn forgot th tim. I hav bcom mor and mor intrstd in scinc, so I hop to b a scintist whn I grow up. 范文2. Our school has many hobby groups. I am a mmbr of photograph group. W oftn go to th hills or laks to tak good photos. Last summr holiday, w wnt to th Grat Wall. All of us took a lot of bautiful photos. W njoyd ourslvs thr. I hop that w can go to Mount mi nxt tim