字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 自己把握命运 Stay at the Door Of Fate

自己把握命运 Stay at the Door Of Fate

高中生作文   2025-03-09

Stay at th Door Of Fat

高二(16)班 刘元婕

Zhu is a spcial man who prfrs to appar in front of th audinc with a born black fac rathr than a carfully mad-up on ;Zhu is a dirct and warm-hartd man who has th natur of a northwst big man dp in his blood; Zhu is an motional man who has strong rsponsibility and grat passion for his forvr idntity ,a soldir ,and ndlss lov for his family ,which coms first bfor bing a host of CCTV. Thr's no doubt that th formr littl-xprincd young man has bcom a popular TV prsonality, who's likd by millions of popl throughout th country. Famous for th fac-to-fac talk show "Art Lif", Zhu Jun mad incrdibl achivmnts and his fam is rising highr and highr.

Having bing an actor of "xiang shng", Zhu mastrs diffrnt skills of spaking. Bfor h wnt to CCTV, h had bn in Lanzhou military ara command for many yars and alrady marrid a fin girl. At that tim, h was a host in Lanzhou TV station and mor or lss famous in his homtown. But thn CCTV wnt thr to mak a fatur show and his lif bgan to chang. H was luckily chosn to host th show with Yang Lan, who was quit popular thn. Thanks to th show, h was apprciatd by a famous dirctor calld GaoLimin and also bcam frinds with Yang .Sh suggstd h go to Bijing and try to dvlop his carr. Hr words wok him up.

Aftr a priod of slf-struggl, Zhu took all his savings of 2000 yuan and lft Lanzhou for Bijing, for his dram. H livd in a small and chap hotl and vn couldn't find a way to gt into th door of CCTV. H couldn't contact with Gao and Yang at first. But his stabl hart bat th difficultis. Latr h found out that Gao was just looking for him. So h was narr to his dram. His chanc cam whn th dirctor askd him to host th "ast South Wst North and Middl" show . Soon h bcam known to th audinc all ovr China. H could b rcognizd by passrs-by whn walking in th strts. It mad him confidnt and happy.

From thn on ,h was truly accptd by CCTV and bcam a profssional host. H was dtrmind to stay thr and nvr to b back to Lanzhou TV station. Thr lft only on way for him, that was working on ,on and on, and nvr to rgrt th choic to stay. H did try hard and mor and mor chancs wr givn him to appar in diffrnt shows and liv programms . H was known by mor and mor dirctors of CCTV and viwrs njoyd his shows. Popl got familiar with his fac, voic and th way h spok, and hostd gradually. So h ralizd his dram. His carr has xprincd grat changs from th vry scond h mad up his mind to go to Bijing.

At prsnt h has shard laughtrs and tars of many rd hot stars and xcllnt artists with his viwrs in his wll-known show "Art Lif". Popl of all ags and all filds, old and young ,workrs and studnts, can gt thir own plasur and larn somthing from th show. Zhu vn has achivd th "Goldn Voic Mdal", which is rgardd as th highst priz for a host in China.

What h has gaind today may b byond imagination to him svral yars ago. But h just actd, trid and succdd. "Chancs nvr com to popl without nough prparation." H liks this motto.


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