狗、公鸡和狐狸(The Dog,the Cock and the Fox)
狗、公鸡和狐狸(Th Dog,th Cock and th Fox)A dog and a cock wr good frinds and thy wr travling togthr. Whn night cam on, th cock flw up to a tr and slpt thr, and th dog found a hollow in th sam tr and slpt in it.Whn th morning cam, th cock wok up and bgan to crow. A hungry fox hard this crow and wantd to gt th cock for his dinnr. Thn th fox said to th cock, What a bautiful morning this is!I want to talk to you. You hav a vry swt voic. Won’t you com down and hav a chat with m? Thank you, Mr. Fox.But how about your coming up hr? It is vry nic and cool hr, rplid th cock. All right, I will. But how can I gt up? askd th fox. Just go round th trunk blow m, and wak my srvant in a hollow.H will opn th door for you, said th cock. Th fox cam nar th hollow. And th dog rushd out, sprang upon th fox and killd it at onc.